Friday, April 15, 2011

Chris Matthews Praises Mitt Romney For Not Being A Birther

It is not too often that you will see members of the liberal media praise a conservative, especially when it comes from someone like Chris Matthews. Although you won't hear him say he's got a thrill up his leg for Mitt Romney, you'll hear Chris Matthews praise Mitt Romney for being the only serious and straightforward candidate among the many Republicans running in 2012.  
My favorite line from Chris Matthews comes at the end:
"But he will be a presidential candidate, a proud and serious one and if it's not too old-fashioned to say so, he'll be a man."
The reason for Chris Matthews must have been impressed with Mitt Romney's appearance on the Kudlow Report in which the former governor gave his position on the birther issue. Watch the clip below: 
As Mitt Romney explained in the Kudlow Report, there are so many reasons why President Obama ought to be taken out of office. Its just that the birther issue isn't one of them.
Chris Matthews is correct. Mitt Romney is a man for focusing on the most important issues that concerns all Americans which are jobs and the economy. And that's why America needs Mitt Romney in the White House in 2012.

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