Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meg Whitman Ahead In The Polls!

A Rasmussen poll released today is showing that Meg Whitman now leads Jerry Brown by eight percentage points:
"The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in California finds Whitman earning 48% support, while Democrat Jerry Brown picks up 40% of the vote. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate in the race, and six percent (6%) are undecided."
Her eight point lead is even more significant when you factor in those who are not yet committed to a candidate but are leaning one way or the other are more likely to support Meg Whitman: 
"When leaners are included in the new totals, Whitman posts a 51% to 43% lead over Brown. Leaners are those who initially indicate no preference for either of the candidates but answer a follow-up question and say they are leaning towards a particular candidate.
Early in any campaign, the numbers without leaners are generally more significant. Later in a campaign, the numbers with leaners matter more. After Labor Day, Rasmussen Reports will report the numbers with leaners as the primary indicators of the campaign."
Hopefully, Meg Whitman will keep her lead as November grows near and becomes the next Governor of California. 

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