Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mitt Romney Will Make The World Safer

Last night, Mitt Romney was Reaganesque last night's debate on foreign policy. Just as Ronald Regan didn't hold back any words against communist Russia, Mitt Romney didn't hold back any words against Iran: 

He also didn't hold back any words for China either:

He also went after Obama on his poor handling of Afghanistan:

As a result, Mitt Romney's Special Adviser on Foreign Policy, former U.S. Ambassador, and former Reagan Administration official, Rich Williamson had this to say about Mitt Romney's bold words in last night's debate: 
“Mitt Romney left tonight's debate showing that he is the candidate best equipped to secure a more peaceful and prosperous world for the United States and our allies. Mitt Romney deeply understands that the only way to meet the challenges we face abroad is to rest our foreign policy on a strong military, a strong economy, and the strength of our values. For three years, President Obama’s feckless policies have weakened our country’s standing and influence across the globe. Mitt Romney is the candidate who will restore our standing and ensure that America leads the world.”

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