Saturday, March 31, 2012

Rick Santorum Is Not Honest About His Pro-Life Record

Today, Rick Santorum is in Wisconsin trying to get religious conservatives in that state to vote for him on the upcoming primary next Tuesday. Rick Santorum has currently positioned himself as the social conservative in the race. He wants you to believe that he's always been a pro-choice warrior who has fought in defense of life. However, that image does not provide a true picture of who Rick Santorum is. 
If we really take a close look at Rick Santorum's record on abortion, voters will find that he either tolerated abortion or has flip flopped in on his position of abortion. Let us the review the facts: 
When we look at his voting record, we find that Rick Santorum voted for the protection of Abortion Clinics. He's also backed pro-abortion candidates against pro-lifers such as Arlen Specter. Rick Santorum has admitted that he has not be a firm warrior on the issue of abortion: 
“Santorum, who describes himself in his campaign manual as a “progressive conservative,” and who did not have a firm position on abortion”
“Santorum said he had always opposed government funding of abortions, but “beyond that I tried as much as I could to dance around the issue, not really take a position on it.”
Additional evidence shows that Rick Santorum did not take up a position upon abortion until it was politically convenient to do so:
What's even worse, Rick Santorum may have been hostile to those who have been fighting the pro-life agenda. Recently, a video has surfaced in which it shows standing on the right hand side of Arlen Specter, applauding him as Arlen Specter berates those in the “radical” wing of our party who are fighting for justice for the unborn and religious freedoms. Watch the video below: 

Rick Santorum has been trying to portray himself as the stalwart warrior on abortion as a means of portraying himself as a staunch social conservative. However, the facts demonstrate that Rick Santorum's past actions undermine the image he's trying to put forth to the American public. This information is relevant for social conservatives in this race because they may not be happy with someone who is being dishonest about their pro-life record and has been seen cheering on a senator who openly mocks those who have been fighting for the unborn.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Real Agenda of Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich And Rick Santorum

Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum are determined to stay in the race even if the chances of them winning the Republican nomination grows slim with each passing election contest. All of the candidates know this but they're not in the race to become President. Each one of them have an agenda. 
Ron Paul
Ron Paul's chances of winning the Republican nomination is extremely low. He hasn't a won a single primary or caucus and his unfavorability rating is quite high.  However, Ron Paul has admitted that he isn't in the race to become President but that he's in the race for the sole purpose of amassing enough delegates so that he can use his delegates as a way of getting the Republican party to adopt his libertarian views on foreign policy, economics and other issues. Recently, Ron Paul admitted on Fox News that he doesn't want the power of being the President but to have the power to influence our nation on matters he considers important. However, if that is his goal, Ron Paul has only has 50 delegates as of today. By the time the GOP convention rolls around, he won't have enough delegates and as a result will be in a inferior bargaining position in attempting to negotiate with the Republican party into adopting  his views on the national platform.
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich's chances of winning the Republican nomination is also extremely low. He's only won two Republican nominations and he only has 135 delegates as of today. He also has amazingly high unfavorability ratings of 60%. Regardless, Newt Gingrich is determined to press forward by bypassing the primary process and winning at the convention by getting the delegates to switch their votes to Newt.  Joe DeSantis, the campaign’s communications director, explains Gingrich's new election strategy:
The idea, Mr. DeSantis said, is to persuade unpledged delegates and those who have backed another candidate to see Mr. Gingrich as the best challenger to face President Obama. 
Joe DeSaintis elaborates more on their new election strategy: 
 “We believe that if Governor Romney is unable to secure 1,144 by the last primaries, he will be unable to do so at the convention where the vast majority of the delegates are conservative,” DeSantis said. “That creates [an] environment at the convention where Gingrich can emerge as the one candidate who can unite social, economic and national security conservatives (a fact which is borne out by polling).”
Newt Gingrich's agenda is pretty obvious. He is remaining in the race out of pure revenge and will do anything he can to prevent Mitt Romney from winning the nomination:
Joe DeSantis said Gingrich's decision to lay off staff and replace his campaign manager was a reorganization that would enable him to fight on to the Republican National Convention in the summer and win the nomination there.
The overhaul comes as a CNN/ORC International poll released Tuesday indicated that most Republicans would like to see Gingrich and Texas Rep. Ron Paul end their White House bids.
But they want conservative challenger Rick Santorum to stay in the race.
The poll, conducted over the weekend, showed that about six in 10 Republicans wanted Gingrich and Paul to halt their campaigns, while a similar number supported Santorum continuing his bid.
DeSantis said the poll "showed that Gingrich dropping out of the race would help Mitt Romney dramatically more than it helps Rick Santorum."
This would "virtually guarantee Mitt Romney the nomination," he said, as he urged conservatives to rally behind Gingrich to keep the former Massachusetts governor from victory.
Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum has done much better in this election than Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich have. He's won 11 primary contests so far and currently has 273 delegates. However, the chances of him getting the 1,1140 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination grows slim with each primary election. The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that the electoral math doesn't work for Rick Santorum. He cannot get the necessary 1,140 delegates needed to win. As Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post points out, there's just no way for Rick Santorum to win the Republican nomination: 
Romney still leads by about 300 delegates . With 568 delegates to Santorum’s 273 Romney, Romney needs only 576 more delegates, about 46 percent of the remaining delegates. Santorum would need to win about 70 percent, and that just isn’t going to happen.
Rick Santorum disputes the current calculation of delegates by arguing that what you hear in the news doesn't accurately reflect the delegate count:
As he struggles to keep up with frontrunner Mitt Romney and parries calls for him to drop out of the Republican presidential race, Rick Santorum has said in recent weeks that he has actually won more delegates than some media counts show.  Those counts, Santorum says, are not taking into account Republican party rules, as well as the state-level meetings that actually determine how many delegates go to each candidate.
"Here's one of the things that I can tell you I didn't know," Santorum told a small group of reporters at a breakfast in Washington Monday.  "Every single state is different.  Every state. Every single state is different.  It's different on how you get on the ballot.  It's different on their structure, how they allocate delegates, whether they are bound, whether they are unbound, when they're committed, how long they committed, how they're selected. Our math is actually based on the reality of what's going on in the states."
Now, the Santorum campaign is providing some numbers to flesh out the candidate's claims.  In a long conversation Wednesday evening, John Yob, the campaign's national and state convention director, pointed out that many high-profile primaries have been little more than beauty contests, and that delegates in many key states are actually being awarded in county, district, and state conventions, which are often dominated by conservative activists. "In that process, we are doing very well," said Yob. "The moderate candidate almost never performs better than a conservative candidate in a county, district, or state convention process."
Of course, the Romney campaign rejects Rick Santorum's claim and argue that no matter how Rick Santorum calculates the delegate math, he's still going to come up short: 
The Romney campaign strongly disputes Santorum's numbers.  In a March 22 memo -- sent out after Romney's win in Illinois but before Santorum's victory in Louisiana -- Romney political director Rich Beeson wrote that Romney led Santorum by more than 300 delegates and that Romney already had more than half of the needed 1,144 delegates. "Each day Senator Santorum continues to march up this steep hill of improbability is a day we lose to unite in our effort as Republicans to defeat President Obama," Beeson wrote.
Beeson pointed out that it is impossible for Santorum to reach the 1,144 delegate number himself.  Team Santorum doesn't really claim otherwise.  But their math is now about keeping Romney short of 1,144 -- and hoping things go their way in state conventions and, ultimately, in Tampa in August.
Despite the small chances of winning the Republican nomination through out the primary election,  Rick Santorum is going to try the same strategy as Newt Gingrich by  wooing delegates at the Republican convention: 
Arguing that neither he nor Mitt Romney will be able to sew things up by the last GOP primary in June, Santorum envisions spending July and August trying to persuade individual delegates to support him and “put together the coalition that’s necessary for you to get the 1,144.” He and his delegates would then move on to the Republican convention, scheduled to begin Aug. 27 in Tampa, Fla.
Its clear that Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are in the race because they want to become President. Each of these men are not interested in becoming leaders. They all have their own person agendas which they are placing above the American people's wishes of getting Barack Obama out of the White House. Ron Paul is running is in the race purely to change the Republican party platform from a conservative platform to a more libertarian one. Both Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are aiming for the mythological brokered convention as a last ditch attempt to prevent Mitt Romney from winning the Republican nomination. 
There's only one candidate who is in the race to defeat Barak Obama and make him a one term President. Moreover, he's in the race because he wants to be the President who will be a true leader and revive America's economy. That man is Mitt Romney. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rick Santorum Is Not The Ideal Candidate To Go One On One With Obama On ObamaCare

With the United States Supreme Court hearing arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, Rick Santorum used this historic moment to launch another attack on RomneyCare:
Santorum then drew some unwanted headlines this past weekend and Monday after he said that Romney is the "worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama." He claimed he was only talking about the health care issue. He later cursed at a New York Times reporter who asked about the charge.
Undeterred, Santorum pounded the issue again on the Supreme Court steps Monday afternoon: "If we run this campaign, which we will, on Obamacare and we're successful, there's no doubt Obamacare will be repealed in one form or another, and that's not going to be the case with Governor Romney because he can't make it the argument, because if he makes it the argument, the Obama machine will turn it right back on him."
Rick Santorum's claim that Mitt Romney is a bad candidate to go one on one with Obama on the issue of ObamaCare is odd given that Santorum was one of the many conservatives who have supported RomneyCare in the past. Moreover, Rick Santorum supported an employer mandate in which his plan would mandate that employers be required to offer their workers a chance to purchase health insurance. If Rick Santorum decides to go after Obama on ObamaCare, the President will have no trouble returning fire during the general election.
Rick Santorum's claims that Mitt Romney can't make the case for overturning ObamaCare because Obama will turn it right back on him is also bizzare. Mitt Romney has repeatedly promised that he will repeal ObamaCare on the first day in office as President. Recently, on March 22,  Mitt released an article reaffirming his promise to repeal ObamaCare and outlining additional steps he would take to reform America's health care system. Mitt Romney has already made the argument that he will repeal ObamaCare and Obama can't attack Romney on that point without getting dragged into a debate on the Constitutionality of his health care plan which is something that Obama himself may not want to do since a large majority of Americans do not support ObamaCare.
In fact, if there was any candidate who is ideal for going against Obama on the issue of ObamaCare, its Mitt Romney:
"The central tenet of the “Anybody-But-Romney” conservative theology is this article of faith: Nominating the former Massachusetts governor will take away the Republican Party’s best 2012 issue — because “Romneycare” is so like “Obamacare.” ABR true believers lump the two plans together, with the epithet “Obamneycare.”
This conservative faith is wrong, however. To the extent that attacks on President Barack Obama’s health care reform are good politics, the candidate best able to make them is Mitt Romney.
Since he orchestrated and then signed the Massachusetts health care law, Romney is uniquely qualified to lead the GOP attacks against the federal health care reform bill.
Why? He would be the first GOP nominee in nearly 50 years with a proven track record on health care who has been praised by Democrats — including the president — as fair and compassionate. He can’t be demonized as an out-of-touch, uncompassionate, hard-right ideologue on this issue.
Americans have been telling pollsters since 1965 that they favor Democrats over Republicans when asked whom they trust on health care issues. That was when President Lyndon B. Johnson and congressional Democrats passed the historic Medicare program — over the objections of many high-profile Republican opponents, including future President Ronald Reagan.
This political landscape meant GOP presidential nominees have regularly been put on the defensive, sometimes even demonized, on health care issues. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are typical in this regard."
"...Think of the advantage that this situation gives Romney: Even if the health care law is ruled constitutional, legitimate political questions remain because it is not fully operative for two more years. Only “Romneycare” is a public-private-sector plan in full operation, praised by his opponents — like Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a top Obama ally. By embracing a role for government in addressing health care, Romney has neutralized traditional winning Democratic arguments.
The Obama campaign has one overriding aim — paint any GOP nominee as out of touch with the problems facing average Americans. “Romneycare” presents a problem for this narrative. If the former head of Bain Capital is allegedly the “same ole” GOP rich guy worshipping at the altar of social Darwinism, how does the “compassionate party” explain away using “Romneycare” as a model?"
There is one fundamental difference between RomneyCare and ObamaCare that people on the left and on the right somehow fail to grasp. Its a difference that Mitt Romney has been making for many months now and its a distinction that the attorneys opposing ObamaCare in the Supreme Court explained today:
If the Supreme Court overturns the individual mandate based on the theory argued by Paul Clement, the attorney representing the 26 states that filed lawsuits against Obamacare, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign could get a big boost from the ruling.
Clement told the court, just as Romney has told Republican primary voters, that states have the power to enact individual mandates wheras the federal government has no such authority.
"I do think the States could pass this mandate," Clement said today in response to a question from Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "[T]he States can do it because they have a police power, and that is a fundamental difference between the States on the one hand and the limited, enumerated Federal Government on the other."
Romney has argued throughout the presidential primary that Massachusetts has the ability, under the 10th Amendment, to enact an individual mandate for health insurance.
Democrats prepping for the general election have attacked Romney for supporting the individual mandate in his state while opposing President Obama's mandate.
If the Supreme Court agrees that states can enact mandates, but rules that Obama's mandate is an unconstitutional infringement on individual liberty, then Romney will have a solid rebuttal.
ObamaCare will certainly be an issue during the 2012 general election since the Supreme Court won't publicly release their decision until June which is a few months before election day. Romney's defense of RomneyCare is a solidly constitutional argument and whereas Obama's defense of ObamaCare isn't. The contrast between state's rights and governmental overreach will be made very clear if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee.  As a result, Mitt Romney is the best and strongest defender of state's rights and economic liberty and is the ideal candidate to go head to head with Obama.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rick Santorum Might Not Win Any Delegates In Pennsylvania

With Pennsylvania's primary election coming up next month on April 24th and with 72 delegates at stake, Rick Santorum is eager to win his home state so that he can justify staying in the race. However, victory won't come easy for Santorum because many prominent Republican leaders in Pennsylvania are not thrilled with him as a candidate:
Several interviews with influential members of Santorum’s state party reveal a pervasive dislike for the man running for president without the support of the party’s kingmakers.
Party bosses dislike his zealous pronouncements and extreme social positions.
Fiscal conservatives see him as a big-government, pork-barrel spender.
And some social conservatives question his support of former Sen. Arlen Specter, who supported abortion rights.
The common critique, however, is of Santorum’s hair-trigger volatility, cruel political maneuverings, dismissiveness and notoriously massive ego.
In fact, many insiders in the Pennsylvania Republican party are secretly hoping Rick Santorum will lose so that they can rally around Mitt Romney:
“Party folks are just tolerating [Santorum] and hoping he loses as soon as possible so that they can all get behind Romney,” said a GOP activist who did not want to be identified.   
Rick Santorum appears to be universally disliked in Pennsylvania by nearly every conservative in that state:
Yet from Gov. Tom Corbett to U.S. Sen. Patrick J. Toomey, state GOP Chairman Rob Gleason and on down the political food chain, no major GOP politician in the state has endorsed Mr. Santorum.
Even Alen Specter, who Rick Santorum endorsed in the 2004 because the Bush Adminstration asked him to, refused to endorse him in this election:
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter said Friday that ex-Senate colleague Rick Santorum is “so far to the right” that it’s not realistic for him to win the presidency.
Rick Santorum is not popular among the regular Republican voters in that state as well: 
Pam Todd, 74, a Philadelphia artist and member of the fiscally conservative Tea Party, felt strongly the election should be focused on the economy and defeating Obama, not issues like abortion and gay marriage.
"I feel that perhaps Romney is the most electable. I like Rick very, very much. I admire his guts. But he sometimes gets down in the weeds on the social issues," she said.
"You can really get into the social issues and the country could go over a cliff fiscally," Todd said.
One of the state's main Tea Party groups, the influential Independence Hall Tea Party Association PAC, endorsed Romney in the fight to be the Republican who will face President Barack Obama in November.
"There are a fair number of Republicans who are driven by social issues but they aren't as committed to those issues as economic issues in an election cycle like this one," said Alan Novak, a former chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party who is backing Romney.
"The election is really first a referendum on the president, unemployment and gas prices," he said.
Despite the Rick Santorum's unpopularity within the Pennslyvania GOP, party leaders and activists are trying push back against calls to wrap up the GOP nomination process as quickly as possible:
Several activists and state elected officials pushed back on their national counterparts itching to tackle Obama, arguing that the GOP vetting process should continue until Pennsylvanians can vote and even beyond.
“It’s actually going to make the ultimate nominee stronger for having gone through the crucible of a good solid, intense debate, so I think it should continue — if necessary, until the convention,” state Rep. Stephen Bloom, who has not publicly endorsed a candidate, told POLITICO. “As long as the candidates are drawing citizens into the process, getting voters engaged, that’s good. The battle of ideas is a good thing.”
While Rick Santorum currently remains ahead in the polls, its not a guarantee that he will in that state. Even if he does win in Pennsylvania, he may wind up not winning any delegates at all because the delegates are free to vote for anyone they want at the Republican convention. Moreover, Republican leaders and activists are also delegates themselves and given Santorum's unpopularity with Republican leaders and activists, Rick Santorum might have another Phyrric victory in Pennsylvania:
The ranks of delegate hopefuls are littered with Republican state committee members, elected officials and others with close party ties, who will ultimately be more beholden to a state party leadership that, while officially neutral, is visibly leaning in Romney’s direction and increasingly vocal in its fear that Santorum could hurt the party in a general election — especially after witnessing his 18-point drubbing in 2006.
Romney, Ron Paul and even Newt Gingrich got some of their supporters on the ballot as delegate candidates. But Santorum’s campaign officials, who have struggled with ballot organization issues across the country, privately concede that they just didn’t have the time, nor resources, to organize their own supporters to run as delegates when the paperwork was due earlier this year.
Mitt Romney enjoys strong support among many Pennsylvania delegates:
The state party has so far not made an endorsement in the race. But Bob Asher, a Republican National Committeeman and one of the most powerful forces in state politics, is backing Romney. So are top party fundraisers and members of Congress from the Philadelphia suburbs who, like many elected and party officials, worry that a Santorum candidacy would send independents fleeing from the GOP and damage their prospects in down-ballot races.
“I think most people recognize we have to put forward the best candidate to beat Barack Obama,” said Rep. Jim Gerlach, a suburban congressman and Romney backer who’s also a delegate. “There’s a lot of support to make sure Gov. Romney is ultimately our nominee.”
Added a top Republican fundraiser who’s neutral in the race: “People like Rick, and they often like his policies. But his brand is so tarnished and we’re all terrified at the prospect of him on top of the ticket.”
Regardless of how Rick Santorum does in Pennsylvania, it will not be a good night for him since its a winner take all primary and he will remain far behind Mitt Romney in the delegate count.  

Rick Santorum's Phyrric Victory In Louisiana

Rick Santorum's victory in the Louisiana Primary yesterday was a Pyhrric victory since he's still way behind on the delegate count. Here's the current delegate count: 
Despite the fact that Rick Santorum won ten delegates while Mitt Romney won five delegates in Louisiana, it won't be enough for him to catch up because the evidence is overwhelmingly clear that the electoral math doesn't work for Rick Santorum. He cannot get the necessary 1,140 delegates needed to win. As Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post points out, there's just no way for Rick Santorum to win the Republican nomination: 
Romney still leads by about 300 delegates . With 568 delegates to Santorum’s 273 Romney, Romney needs only 576 more delegates, about 46 percent of the remaining delegates. Santorum would need to win about 70 percent, and that just isn’t going to happen.
Not only is Rick Santorum behind in the delegate count, but he's cannot catch up to Mitt Romney's campaign funds:
As of the February 29, 2012 FEC filing, Romney had more than $7.3 million in his campaign war-chest with no debt versus $2.6 million with almost $1 million in debt for Santorum. Additionally the Super PAC supporting Romney had vastly more money than the organization behind Santorum.
Try as they might, neither Senator Santorum nor his Super PAC is in Governor Romney’s league in fund-raising and these margins will widen as time progresses.
The next primary contests don't look too good for Rick Santorum in which 98 delegates are up for grabs in  Wisconsin, Maryland and District of Columbia will be voting on April 3rd. To make matters worse for Santorum, all three states are winner take all contests and Mitt Romney is expected to win all three states. Mitt Romney will easily win Washington D.C. since Rick Santorum did not make the ballot on that state. As a result, Mitt will get 19 free delegates.
Then on April 24th, five states are holding their primaries. Those states are New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Delaware. A total of 231 delegates are available on that day. New York is a winner take all state with 95 delegates at stake and Pennsylvania is also a winner take all state with 72 delegates at stake. Mitt Romney is expected to win four of the five states on that day with Rick Santorum winning Pennsylvania. However, some people think that its possible that Mitt Romney can win all five. 
Either way, the future doesn't look good for Rick Santorum. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Michael Steele Is Wrong On Mitt Romney's Delegate Math

Michael Steele's recent appearance on MSNBC might have gone unnoticed as just another talking head discussing the 2012 republican primary. However, while he was discussing his rationale for why he made changes in the nomination process, he raised a lot of eye brows when he made an astonishing claim that  that the electoral math does not work out for Mitt Romney.
Michael Steele is absolutely wrong that the electoral math doesn't work for Mitt Romney. For example Mitt Romney won the Puerto Rico Primary today and will probably pick up most, if not all, of the 20 delegates available in that state. Although we won't know the full amount of delegates Mitt will get from today's victory, he continues to maintain his gigantic lead of delegates over other GOP contenders. Here's where the delegate counts stand today: 
Lets look at how well Mitt Romney has done since Super Tuesday:
He won six of 10 states, including Ohio, the night’s marquee contest. His win rate was higher than John McCain’s in 2008 on a night that all but clinched the GOP nomination. He has won about 40 percent of the delegates he needs to win the nomination and has more than twice as many as Santorum, his nearest competitor. And the party’s new system requiring the proportional awarding of delegates, though it has slowed Romney’s coronation, now makes it essentially impossible for anybody to catch him.
In fact, the evidence is overwhelmingly clear that the electoral math doesn't work for Rick Santorum. He cannot get the necessary 1,140 delegates needed to win. Part of the reason why he cannot become the Republican nomination is because he has struggled to get on the ballot in Virginia, Ohio, Washington D.C. and Illinois: 
The stress of a national presidential campaign on Rick Santorum's shoestring budget is again showing its effects, with reports Thursday that Santorum will not qualify for Washington, D.C.'s presidential ballot. Santorum further failed to file a full slate of delegates in Illinois's March 20 primary, meaning — as in Ohio — Santorum will be unable to win some of the state's delegates.

According to ABC News, Santorum's campaign never even approached the District's Board of Elections to try to qualify for the ballot — and the city's 16 delegates that will be up for grabs on April 3. Unlike other states like Virginia — where Santorum notably failed to qualify for the ballot — candidates in D.C. can simply pay a $10,000 fee to secure a space on the ballot. If a candidate is looking to save money, he or she can halve the fee by collecting 296 signatures — a paltry amount relative to other nominating contests.

In Illinois, Santorum has qualified for the statewide ballot, but his inability to file a full slate of delegates means that, at most, he can win 44 out of the 54 delegates available in the state. In that state, candidates must collect 600 signatures in each of the congressional districts; Santorum fell short in the state's 4th, 5th, 7th and 13th districts.
Most of those districts are in the Chicago area, which is expected to favor other GOP candidates. But the 13th district, a suburban Republican enclave southwest of Chicago, could have proven more favorable for Santorum.
Not only does the failure to qualify for a full slate of delegates hurt Rick Santorum, but the future primary elections doesn't look good Rick Santorum either: 
From now until the end of April, we expect Romney to win not only the majority of nominating contests, but also the majority of delegates awarded in these contests.
It’s fair to ask how Romney’s position can be so strong after finishing third in the two major primaries held on Tuesday, Alabama and Mississippi. The most important thing anyone can do on any primary night is to remember the calendar — not the primary schedule but the general election date. The two Deep South primaries appear critical, yet they will be long forgotten by Labor Day, much less Nov. 6. Barring a massive, difficult to fathom shift in this contest, Mitt Romney has a better than 80% chance to be the GOP nominee. No amount of wild tapping on CNN’s magic wall will alter those odds.
The reason is that, much like when Hillary Clinton was fighting a front-running Barack Obama in the last few months of the 2008 Democratic primary, the delegate math — and particularly the lack of true winner take all contests — favors the candidate with the big delegate lead.
That candidate is Romney. While different news organizations have different ways of measuring delegates, calculations from National Public Radio, the Associated Press and others show Romney with a consistent lead, holding about two times as many delegates as Santorum. Days like Tuesday — when the results in little-followed contests in American Samoa and Hawaii gave Romney an edge in delegates over Santorum at the end of the day — generate great headlines for Santorum, but actually make his daunting odds for a delegate majority even longer.
While its good to have a healthy competition among Republican candidates and to allow more states to have an influence on the nomination process, we cannot forget that the most important competition is the battle to defeat Barak Obama. That is why conservatives need to rally around Mitt Romney so that we can begin the campaign to make Obama a one term president now.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rick Santorum: "If You Want A Real Conservative, Vote For Mitt Romney"

Rick Santorum has consistently attacked Mitt Romney for not being conservative enough. Santorum claims that Romney is not a conservative because of RomneyCare despite the fact that he previously supported that program. He doesn't think Mitt is a conservative because Romney implemented the individual mandate which a key part of RomneyCare despite the fact that he has previously supported an employer mandate in which his plan would mandate that employers be required to offer their workers a chance to purchase health insurance.
Rick Santorum felt differently about Mitt Romney in 2012 in which he felt that Mitt was an authentic conservative. Although Rick Santorum has publicly retracted his 2008 endorsement of Romney, he can't avoid that he said those words and that he made it clear that his endorsement came from him personally and not because the campaign asked him to.

Watch the video below:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mitt Romney Can Defeat Obama. Rick Santorum Can't.

Right now, Mitt Romney is leading the GOP nationally by eight points according to Gallup and up by nine according to Pew Research Polling. According to the Fox News Poll, he's ahead in national GOP match ups and is the most competitive against Obama compared to other GOP match up with the President. A recent Bloomberg/Selzer poll has Romney tied with Obama and Santorum losing to the President by six points.
However, if you're not impressed by the polls, consider the how the 2012 general election will turn out and why Mitt Romney is in the best position to boot Obama out of office. William Tucker, writing for the The American Spectator, explains why Mitt Romney is the best candidate to defeat Obama in this election. Accorrding to Mr. Tucker, the 2012 election will most likely be a replay of the 2008 election and that crucial votes will boil down to the new upscale and highly suburban areas in the East. William Tucker then makes the case why Mitt Romney is the best guy to win these voters:
The answer for Republicans is very clear. Mitt Romney's main appeal is to these upscale voters. In every primary, he has run best in urban and suburban areas. He appeals to people with a college education, he appeals to women, he appeals to the more affluent. These voters are not scared by his Mormonism but they are put off by social issues and are worried about the economy. Romney scores well on all counts.
Rick Santorum is the antithesis. His entire appeal is to voters from rural areas who are already going to vote Republican anyway. He appeals to people with less education who are doing far worse than everyone else and are extremely resentful of those in other parts of the country -- even though no one outside Washington is doing much better. They are passionate about abortion and social issues and want to restore religion to the center of American life. Santorum would win by a landslide in Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming, and a few other rural outposts but would get slaughtered everywhere else. And don't be fooled by that "I won in Pennsylvania" rhetoric. The last time Senator Santorum ran for re-election in 2006-- after he had picked up the banner of social conservatism and tried to make himself a national figure -- he lost by 700,000 votes, the worst defeat of an incumbent Senator in Pennsylvania history. He wouldn't do any better in a Presidential election.
The choice for Republicans is between making a statement and winning an election. Choosing Santorum or Gingrich will give the Republicans their George McGovern moment, when they can sacrifice electability for principle. And by the way, we can thank Newt for splitting the arch-conservative vote and making it less likely either of these unelectable candidates will win. With candidates driven solely by personal ambition, ego always trumps outcome.
By choosing Romney -- who seems "not conservative enough" only when contrasted with these two -- Republicans will be getting more than just an appealing candidate. They will get an even chance or better of winning the election and taking back control of the Presidency. Compared with four more years of Obamaism, that seems like a pretty attractive choice.
If conservative are truly serious about making Barak Obama a one term President, then Mitt Romney is our best choice to do that. That's why we cannot afford to drag out the GOP primary because the longer we do, the less time the GOP candidate has to start focusing on the national campaign against Obama. Mitt is in the best position, due to his massive organizational structure to take down and large war chest, to take down Obama. Its time that conservatives focus on Obama rather than engaging in a protracted war over which candidate should win the Republican nomination. 
Its time for conservatives across the country to unite around Mitt Romney in the remaining primaries so that we can focus on the real battle of defeating Obama in 2012.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Santorum Wins Missippi & Alabama But Romney Still Ahead On Delegate Count

There is a fine line between trying to win and trying to prevent others from winning. Tonight, Newt Gingrich has demonstrated that he's in the race not to win but to prevent Mitt Romney from winning.  Prior to tonight, Newt Gingrich's spokesman R.C. Hammond called both Alabama and Mississippi "must wins" for his candidate.
In his concession speech, he attacked Mitt Romney by saying that "If you're a frontrunner and you keep coming in third, you're not much of a frontrunner." That's a bold comment coming from a man who has only won two primaries so far. Moreover, who knows third place better than Newt Gingrich!? 
Newt Gingrich's arrogance and selfishness is on display for all to see. Most candidates in Newt Gingrich's position would have seen the writing on the wall and withdraw from the election. However, he's willing to destroy Mitt Romney and hurt the Republican party's chances of defeating Obama. 
Rick Santorum had a good night tonight by winning Alabama and Missippi. He's now the alternative to Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum thinks he can win the Republican nomination despite being far behind in the delegate count. Even if he is unable to get the necessary delegates needed to win the Republican nomination, Rick Santorum will stay in the race just to prevent Romney from winning the Republican nomination.  
Its clear that both men are staying in the race no matter what. If they can't beat Mitt, they'll try to slow him down as much as possible as Newt Gingrich explained on a radio show recently: 
Speaking on a local Alabama radio show on Tuesday morning, the former House speaker said there is an advantage to using a “tag-team” approach to defeating Romney, the current front-runner.
“With Rick and me together, we are really slowing him down, with some help frankly from Ron Paul,” Gingrich told the radio hosts. “The country is sort of saying, a majority is saying, `Not Romney.’ The biggest bloc is saying Romney, but it’s not a big enough bloc to be a majority. We now are beginning to think he will literally not be able to get the delegates to get the nomination.”
However, Rick Santorum's SuperPac isn't on board with the plan to double team with Newt Gingrich against Mitt Romney. Last week, the SuperPac asked Newt to drop out and they've renewed that call tonight
"A week ago we called on Newt Gingrich to exit the race," said RWB Fund strategist Nick Ryan. "Tonight, voters in Alabama and Mississippi said the same thing."
Even if Santorum disagrees with his own SuperPac and wants to gang up on Mitt, the double team strategy is a double edge sword because the longer these two men remain in the race, they easier they make it for Romney to pick up more delegates since they're splitting the vote between each other. Moreover, the longer these two continue to split the vote which allows Mitt Romney to pick up more delegates, the harder it will be for them to get the 1,144 delegates they need.
For example, even though Mitt Romney didn't win Mississippi and Alabama tonight, he still picked up delegates from those states Mitt Romney campaigned in the counties with the most delegates and was able to maximize the amount of delegates he could get while still losing both states. Moreover,  he will most likely get all the delegates from tonight's primaries in Hawaii and American Samoa. Thus, close thirds in two states and will come in first in two states is still a victory for Romney tonight due to the delegates he will have gotten tonight.
Furthermore, looking ahead to upcoming primary elections, their plan won't work. For example, Rick Santorum  is already behind in Illinois on delegates because he didn't file full slate. As a result, Santorum is no on the ballot in four Illinois congressional districts which makes him intelligible for eight delegates. Even if Mitt doesn't win Illinois, he'll still have the advantage in wining more delegates than Santorum. Moreover, current polls have Mitt Romney ahead in Illinois.
As a result, Mitt Romney shouldn't be concerned about Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich ganging up on him. He also isn't concerned if Newt Gingrich decides to withdraw from the race. 
Even though Rick Santorum won two states tonight, the real winner was Mitt Romney who had a good night tonight and as he continues to maintain his lead on the delegate count.

The Beta Male Candidate Complains About Fox News Being In The Tank For Mitt Romney

Rick Santorum is doing what he does best by complaining and whining. He's complained during the debates about not getting enough attention from the moderators. He whined about the negative ads that Romney campaign aimed his way. He also pouted over a supposed Romney/Paul tag team who were plotting against him.
Today, Santorum made news by whining about something new. He has accused Fox News of being in the tank for Mitt Romney which is ironic since he was whining on the program of a Fox News radio channel.
 Listen to the clip below: 

This doesn't help Rick Santorum at all. If he can't beat Romney in the primary election, especially when it comes to getting positive media coverage, then it reveals he's not ready to take on Obama for a few reasons. Lets review those reasons below: 
  1. Leaders don't whine when they're losing or are behind in the race. They roll up their sleeves and fight harder. 
  2. Leaders don't complain about their competitors and the advantages they have. Again, they just roll up their sleeves and fight harder or smarter.
  3. Rick Santorum complains about Fox News focusing on the delegate count. The reason why all news outlets, not just Fox News, look at the delegates is because that's how candidates win their party's nomination. With Rick Santorum crying about the news focusing on the delegate count, its an admission that he can't win and that's not attractive to the voters.
  4. The media already are in the tank for Obama and if Rick Santorum miraculously becomes the nominee, he's going to have to deal with that. I mean, who do you think MSMBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS will be shilling for?
  5. Complaining about the media isn't going to help Rick Santorum in the general election. Whining about Romney isn't helping him now either.
  6. If Rick Santorum miraculously becomes President, the media isn't going to be friendly to him. Complaining about the media isn't going to help him in the White House. Once again, bitching about the media won't make him look like the leader he wants to be. 
Its becoming increasingly clear that Rick Santorum wants to be the Beta Male in Chief and he’s got the sweater fit that profile. The more Rick Santorum complains about the things that are unfair, the less he looks like a leader. In fact, he's consistently demonstrated that he's failed in the leadership department. 
Voters in the primary and general election know that people who complain and whine are not leaders.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mitt Romney Could Win Alabama and Mississippi

There has been alot of talk of the possibility of Mitt Romney winning in both Alabama and Mississippi. Recent polls show that he's  ahead in Alabama and Misssippi. If he wins one or both states, Romney will destroy the myth that he can't win in the South:
If Romney were to win either Mississippi or Alabama -- and the polls show he is competitive in both -- he would kill the idea that he can't win in the South. The region is the rock-solid base of the Republican Party, and so far, the former Massachusetts governor has not shown strength here. Yes, he won Virginia, but Romney and Ron Paul were the only candidates on the ballot. And yes, he won in Florida, but most political analysts don't really consider Florida Southern anymore. And besides, Barack Obama won both states in 2008.

In addition, Romney has already lost contests in South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. Adding Alabama and Mississippi to his list of losses would cement the narrative that he can't win in the South.

But winning either one -- squeaker, blowout, it doesn't matter -- would put that narrative to rest. "If he could win one, I think it would say he is a national candidate that people could embrace in the South," says Clemson University political scientist David Woodard, author of The New Southern Politics. "It would show that he has some appeal to Southerners that he didn't have earlier."
There's one demographic that might help Mitt Romney win Mississippi Alabama. Its the Catholic voter. In  Michigan and Ohio, Catholics voted for the Mormon candidate rather support than the Catholic candidate in both. states. But then again, Rick Santorum has always performed lower among Catholics than Protestants. 
Catholics in the South may not want to support Rick Santorum because he criticized J.F.K's famous address that he gave to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, a group of Protestant ministers, about the role of his faith will play in his bid to become President. J.F.K was a trail blazer who made it possible and acceptable for other Catholic politicians to run for President and Rick Santorum fails to appreciate given the fact that in the early period of American history, many states passed religiously bigoted laws simply because the majority of Americans at that time believed that Catholics were not Christians
Rick Santorum may have recently hurt himself in the South when a Florida pastor named Reverend O'Neal Dozier, who has endorsed Rick Santorum, wanted to ask Mitt Romney "to openly renounce his racist Mormon Religion." The troubling thing about this controversy is that it undermines Rick Santorum's claim that he is a strong defender of religious liberty.
In contrast, Mitt Romney has a very long history of defending religious liberty while working as governor of Massachusetts. For example, in 2005, Romney actually vetoed a bill that would have forced Massachusetts hospitals to offer abortive contraception. He also defended Catholic Charities in Massachusetts who being forced to compromise their religions principles in matters of adoptions by filling a bill to protect religious liberty called the An Act Protecting Religious Freedom. As a result of his defense of religious liberty in Massachusetts,  the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty awarded him its prestigious Canterbury Medal in 2008. In January 2012, Five former U.S. ambassadors to the Vatican endorsed Mitt Romney which is significant since they didn't endorse the Catholic candidate, Rick Santorum.
There are two things that Southerners care about: getting rid of Obama and preserving religious liberty. Mitt Romney is the man who can do both since he's the best candidate to beat Obama in the general election and has been a strong defender of all religious faiths including the Catholic faith.

Reverend O'Neal Dozier To Ask Mitt Romney To Renounce His Faith

Recently, a Florida pastor named Reverend O'Neal Dozier, who has endorsed Rick Santorum, will be holding a press conference to ask Mitt Romney "to openly renounce his racist Mormon Religion."
Mitt Romney is the wrong person to go after with regards to allegations of racism within the LDS Church because his father, George Romney, was a life long advocate of civil rights for blacks in America. During the 1968 Presidential election, he ran on a platform of racial equality. When Nixon became President in 1960, he invited George Romney to become the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and he served in that position from 1969 to 1973. While working in the Nixon Administration, George Romney was the Secretary of HUD and advocated for better living conditions for African-Americans even when Richard Nixon opposed the idea.  
You can view some pictures of George Romney advocating for equality for Blacks below: 
Along with NAACP, Gov. George Romney leads demonstration against housing discrimination in 1963.
President Richard Nixon & George Romney
More than 100 angry white protesters balked at efforts by then-Housing Secretary George Romney, in car, to open their new neighborhoods to blacks.
As for Mitt Romney's faith, the LDS Church is not a racist religion. Its important to understand the history of the Mormon Church and the statements made by early LDS Church leaders with regards to the issue of Blacks and the Priesthood and the Book of Mormon. In 1971, The LDS Church created the Genesis Group which created a place where Black LDS could associate and enjoy one another. Recently, the LDS Church published a press release stating that they do not tolerate racism in any form in the Church:
The Church’s position is clear—we believe all people are God’s children and are equal in His eyes and in the Church. We do not tolerate racism in any form.
For a time in the Church there was a restriction on the priesthood for male members of African descent.  It is not known precisely why, how, or when this restriction began in the Church but what is clear is that it ended decades ago. Some have attempted to explain the reason for this restriction but these attempts should be viewed as speculation and opinion, not doctrine. The Church is not bound by speculation or opinions given with limited understanding.
We condemn racism, including any and all past racism by individuals both inside and outside the Church.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mitt Romney Will Win The Republican Nomination

With Mitt Romney's recent victories over the last week, its becoming increasingly clear that he will be the eventual nominee. With his string of victories on Super Tuesday and winning every primary except Kansas on Saturday. He has also done well and will continue to do well in the U.S. Territories. Mitt Romney may have a new string of victories in the elections ahead since he's now ahead in Illinois, Alabama and Misssippi. He's also ahead of Santorum nationally by 13 points
With Mitt Romney getting as many delegates as he can while Santorum, Gingrich and Paul are too far behind to catch up in getting the 1,144 delegates, many people are starting to see that Mitt Romney will win the Republican nomination. Here is Eric Cantor predicting that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee in 2012:

The famous pollster Frank Lunts tells Fox News that Mitt Romney will win the Republican nomination:

Finally, here's Glenn Beck and Matt Kibbe talking about how Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Chooseday: Voters Pick Mitt Romney

No matter how you look at what happened last night,  Mitt Romney had a spectacular night last night. He won 6 out of the ten states up for grabs last night: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia, Alaska, Idaho and Ohio. Rick Santorum only won three states last night:  North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee. Newt Gingrich only won his home state of Georgia. Ron Paul did not win any states.
Mitt Romney's Super Tuesday Success
There are a few significant points in Mitt Romney's victory that is worth mentioning.
Last week, the media created a narrative that Mitt Romney had to win his homes state of Michigan or else his campaign was doomed. Rick Santorum had a double digit lead over Mitt Romney before his lead evaporated and Romney snatched defeat away from Santorum.  The media created the same drama over in Ohio in which Mitt Romney had the win that state or else it would be bad news for Mitt Romney. Once again, Santorum had a significant lead almost won that state until the very last minute when Romney snatched victory away from Rick Santorum. 
There's one more similarity between Michigan and Ohio. In both states, Democrats tried to interfere with the Republican primary system by voting for Rick Santorum. From what I understand, 5 percent of those turning out for the Republican contest identified themselves as Democrats. These Democratic voters overwhelmingly supported Santorum over Romney 47 percent to 27 percent. If these Democratic voters had not cast ballots in the Republican primary, Romney would have won Ohio by roughly a 3-point margin.
An even more embarrassing similarity between Michigan and Ohio is that Catholics voted for the Mormon candidate than the Catholic candidate in both Michigan and Ohio. But then again, Rick Santorum has always performed lower among Catholics than Protestants.
Its also important to note that Mitt Romney won Massachusetts. This is important because the citizens voted for the former governor who gave them RomneyCare." Numerous polls taken in Massachusetts show that the citizens of that state like RomneyCare and Mitt's victory is just the latest proof of its popularity.
Mitt Romney not only did well in winning 6 out of the 10 states last night, but he did extremely well in amassing the delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination. 
Its All About The Delegates
Mitt Romney also racked up a lot of delegates on Super Tuesday. 419 delegates up were for grabs and he won a majority of all delegates available last night:
Romney won at least 212 Super Tuesday delegates and Santorum won at least 84. Gingrich won at least 72 delegates and Texas Rep. Ron Paul got at least 22.
So far, Romney is winning 54 percent of the Super Tuesday delegates; Santorum is winning 22 percent.
Given that it takes 1,144 delegates to win the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney is in the lead by a huge margin in which he possesses 415 delegates. That number includes endorsements tallied by the Associated Press from members of the Republican Party who can support any candidate. Rick Santorum is in second place with 176 delegates while Newt Gingrich has 105, and Ron Paul has 47. Its worth noting that for some reason MSNBC is reporting that Mitt Romney has won 327 delegates last night. 
If you want to see how well Mitt Romney did in picking up delegates, look at the number of delegates he had before Super Tuesday and how many he got afterwards: 
Due to the organizational incompetence of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, they freely gave away Virginia's 46 delegates to Mitt Romney because both candidates failed to qualify for the ballot.  
Rick Santorum hurt himself last night because lost the chance at picking up another 18 delegates in Ohio, because he failed to file full delegate slates as a result of his organizational incompetence.
Even though Mitt Romney lost in Georgia in which it offered the largest prize of 76 delegates, he might be winning a larger share of the delegates than Newt Gingrich according to MSNBC:
Casual followers of politics might assume that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, for example, won most of the 76 delegates Tuesday night in his home state, Georgia — and he would have under the winner-take-all system. But the Republican National Committee has tried to steer the state parties toward district allocations that more accurately reflect the popular vote.
The upshot is that even though Gingrich won Georgia, according to NBC News' projection Tuesday night, he could end up with fewer than half its delegates. Romney, meanwhile — despite finishing second or third — could come away with a quarter of them or more.
Despite whatever you hear on the news about Super Tuesday, the Republican Primary isn't about who has won the most states. It has always been about the delegates. Moreover, We're past the "momentum" and "narrative" phase of the race. It really does matter who's getting the most delegate and that is all that matters in this election. More importantly, Mitt Romney is ahead in the delegate count. That matters because Mitt Romney is less than half way to collecting 1,114 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination.
Ever since Mitt Romney dropped out of the race in 2008 and then entered the 2012 Presidential race, its been clear that he's been super focused on winning those delegates. Some people say that Mitt Romney studied how Obama won the 2008 Democratic primary and is following Obama's playbook.  Others believe that Romney path to the Republican nomination is similar to Michael Dukakis primary path to the Democratic nomination in 1988. However, it doesn't really how Mitt travels down the path to the nomination, what matters is that Mitt has the ability to cross the finish line while Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul can't.
The media has tried to spin Santorum's Super Tuesday night as being a positive thing for him. It isn't. He may have won three states but it was a Phyrric victory since he did poorly in gathering the delegates he needs. As I explained above, his organizational incompetence and poor leadership skills allowed Mitt Romney to free and uncontested delegates from Virginia and he didn't get as many delegates as he could have in Ohio. That has serious implications for voters in later primary elections who are looking for someone who knows how to lead. The other long lasting consequence is that it makes it difficult, not easier, for Santorum to get the necessary delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination.
Newt Gingrich is trying to portray himself as making a third comeback in this race after winning Georgia. However, Newt has even greater uphill climb than Rick Santorum does in getting the delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination. Having Rick Santorum in the race doesn't make it any easier for him to catch up on getting those delegates either. But then again, having Newt Gingrich in the race doesn't help Rick Santorum either. However, both men are determined not drop out of the race and the time will soon come when both men will need a miracle to win the nomination. However, the only miracle that would help them is if Mitt Romney drops out of the race but that isn't going to happen.
As for Ron Paul, Super Tuesday was a disaster for him. He's admitted that he isn't in the race to become President but that he's in the race for the sole purpose of amassing enough delegates so that he can use his delegates as a way of getting the Republican party to adopt his libertarian views on foreign policy, economics and other issues. Recently, Ron Paul admitted on Fox News that he doesn't want the power of being the President but to have the power to influence our nation on matters he considers important. However, if that is his goal, Ron Paul is failing miserably since he only has 47 delegates right now. By the time the GOP convention rolls around, the amount of Delegates Ron Paul won't have enough delegates to manipulate the Republican party into accepting his views on the national platform.
While many conservative and liberal bloggers and journalist are trying to put a negative spin on Mitt Romney's Super Tuesday victories, its clear that whatever weaknesses Romney appears to have, his Republican rivals are even more weaker than Mitt and have not proven themselves that they can defeat Obama.

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Thoughts And Predictions For Super Tuesday

The biggest question for Super Tuesday will be how long Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum will stay in the race.  With  419 delegates at stake for Super Tuesday, both men are looking to stop Mitt Romney's momentum any way they can. It will be a difficult challenge given that Mitt Romney has recently won a string of victories in Maine, Arizona, Michigan, Washington and Wyoming. Additionally, Mitt Romney is far ahead of his competitors when it comes the delegate count. 
Rick Santorum will try stop Mitt Romney in Ohio where 66 delegates are up for grabs. However, winning Ohio will not be easy because his campaign has become very disorganized and he may not be able to get all the delegates in that state. Initially, he lost 9 delegates but may end up losing 9 more delegates which means that he may not get more than one quarter of them. What this means is that he might lose out on 16 of the 66 delegates.  Santorum's problem is compounded by the fact that the delegates he may be losing will probably come from places where he enjoys strong support. To make matters worse, Rick Santorum is currently tied with Mitt Romney in a Reuters/Ipsos poll while Public Policy Polling has Romney ahead in Ohio. 
Ohio isn't the only problem for Rick Santorum.  He's not on the Virginia ballot where 49 delegates are up for grabs. He was initially not on the Indiana ballot but is apparently now on the ballot and may not do well in that state. He's also not doing well in some of the other Super Tuesday states and will most likely come in second and third in these states.
Newt Gingrich is making his last stand in Georgia where it has the largest prize of 76 delegates up for grabs and is hoping to revive his candidacy in his state. Currently, Newt Gingrich is ahead poll in the peach state according to the most recent Mason-Dixon Poll. While Newt Gingrich might win Georgia and steal the delegates away from Mitt Romney, it will not be enough to resuscitate his campaign since he will mostly likely come in third or fourth in the other Super Tuesday states. 
Ron Paul will not win any states on Super Tuesday. If he does, I'll be very surprised. However, in Virginia where just Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the only candidates on the ballot in that states, Mitt is set to blow Ron Paul out of the water since he is ahead by 40 points. In other Super Tuesday states, Ron Paul will most likely come in third or fourth place. 
Super Tuesday will be an exciting day. Not only is Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum scrambling to keep their campaigns afloat, but they're both focusing on the two states that has the most delegates to win in order to slow down Mitt Romney's rapid collection of delegates. Between these two states, there are 142 delegates at stake which is a third of the total delegates available to win on Super Tuesday. Both of these men, either operating together or independently, are looking to deprive Romney of winning the two big prizes. However, even if Mitt does lose one or both of these states, he will come out ahead on Super Tuesday with more delegates and more victories under his belt. 
Given that Mitt Romney has, so far, won primaries in the North, South, Midwest and the West, he will do very well on Super Tuesday. Its also worth pointing out that up until Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney is the only candidate to win delegates in every state where a contest has been held and delegates have been up for grabs. We also cannot forget the fact that Mitt Romney has been doing very well among conservatives in these primary elections. The fact that there was record turnouts in Michigan and Washington and he won these states. In fact, Mitt Romney did so well among in the Washington caucus  that kinda messes up the media meme that he's not connecting with Republicans. However, the facts prove that he is.
Now that I've publish my thoughts about Super Tuesday, I'd like to make my predictions. Here they are below: 
  1. Alaska (caucus): Mitt Romney will win by a huge margin in that state. It will be a blow out in which he may get as high as 80% of the vote in that state.  
  2. Georgia (primary): This will be the only state Newt Gingrich wins on Super Tuesday. I predict that Mitt Romney will come in second, Santorum third and Ron Paul in last place. 
  3. Idaho (caucus): This state will probably give Mitt Romney the largest support on Super Tuesday in which I think he will get 90% of the vote. Romney is very well liked in that state and there is a large LDS presence in that state.  
  4. Massachusetts (primary):  Mitt Romney will also win the state that he governed from 2003-2007. He's will liked in that state and enjoyed strong support from the Massachusetts Republican Party. Right now,  Suffolk University has a poll from February where Romney is ahead by a huge margin of  64% whereas Santorum had 16% support, with Paul at 7% and Gingrich at just 6%. 
  5. North Dakota (caucus): Mitt Romney will probably win this state by 60% of the vote. 
  6. Ohio (primary) This election could go either way with Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum winning this state. However, Rick Santorum will probably lose this state since he's either tied or behind in the polls. Moreover, the fact that Mitt has momentum from winning 5 elections in a row, Rick Santorum's horrible performance at the Arizona GOP Debate and losing in Michigan and Washington, voters will probably will probably go for Mitt. 
  7. Oklahoma (primary): This will be the only state that Mitt Romney will do horribly in. Santorum has a huge lead over all the other GOP candidatesMitt might come in third place but will probably end up in second place. 
  8. Tennessee (primary): Rick Santorum is barely holding on to this state but he will probably win this state. 
  9. Vermont (primary): Mitt Romney will have another blow out victory in this state with the other candidates will come in at a distant second, third and fourth places. 
  10. Virginia (primary): As I explained above, Mitt Romney will win by a huge margin over Ron Paul and will easily win the 49 delegates up for grabs.
Super Tuesday will be a good night for Mitt. He's looking to win 7 states and I think he'll rack up anywhere between 220 to 240 delegates that day. Moreover, given that he will win by huge margins in a few states, more and more conservatives will unite around Romney in the primary elections after Super Tuesday.